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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Taco Bell Giving Away a PS Vita Every 15 Minutes http://playstationlifestyle.net/2012/01/11/taco-bell-giving-away-a-ps-vita-every-15-minutes/

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This Week in Demos - Asura's Wrath y FFXIII-2

<p>Got a chance to play both demos today, (FF twice) and I'm no professional reviewer but um... I think I know a thing a two about about videogames, so here goes. Final Fantasy XIII-2 , like any other FF, starts off a bit slow but quickly immerses you into battle, with many helpful tutorials attached (which came in handy since I'd never played the original XIII). Even having played twice and beat everyone, and everything, that stood against me (except that last boss fight with Atlus, grrrr) I still had some trouble understanding the fight system; auto-battles and paradigm shifts and such. Still pretty fun demo. I would've enjoyed it better without the subtitles, and the map/controls setup is a bit awkward, as I felt myself walking around in circles trying to navigate. Reminded me of original PS titles E.o.E. or Galerians. I also prefer the classic folk, medieval scores over techno pop in my FF experience obut to each his own. I've always loved the characters of FFXIII, but the game never won me over. I'd definitely give this one a go though. &lt;br&gt;<br>
Now, on to Asura's Wrath... Wow. I feel like the HipHopGamer right now as I want to give the biggest, over-the-top, uber enthusiastic review of this game! So bright , vivid, funny story, action packed , this game (in demo form at least), has it all. I expect this IP to go far, kudos Capcom. It's essentially what Enslaved should've been.. or maybe wanted to be. I expect Asura's Wrath to be the sleeper hit of 2012. Playing this game I felt an amalgam of things. Dragon Ball Z, Okami, God of War, Dante's Inferno, etc. And trust me..that is a GOOD thing! The demo is just a couple of boss battles so I have no clue how the main campaign plays but these fights are epic. A great blend of free fighting and QTE sequences; I was on edge the entire time! So badass! It's safe to say, Asura is a shoe-in for Marvel vs Capcom 4.  So all-in-all, a good week in demos, there's, of course more, but I was only interested in these 2; both are highly anticipated titles for all you hardcore gamers. Download them now for free on PSN and/or XBL Marketplace.

This is a rough sketch of some characters I created about a decade ago... Towel Man and Suds...lol. Obviously influenced by Batman and Robin. I'm not even sure why I came up with them or where the idea came from. But I will be revamping this duo and basing a webcomic off of them , basically lampooning current events and taking on today's heroes and villains.

My First Blog...simple, ya?

Ahhh... OK. 2012 is upon us and this is my first dive into blogging... Late? A little, but for good reason... Many who know me , know I have the tendency to procrastinate a bit.. a LOT. Putting of everything because of my, (sigh) laziness.. But NO MORE! I refuse to waste more time, thinking about what COULD'VE happened, and the WHY I didn't do it. As sensitive and random and blah, and WTF?!?! as I am , this blog is perfect for me. A "locked vault" of things I think about daily, but am afraid to share on FB or Twitter, in fear of being judged or offending someone. It'll mostly be about the things I heart most. Comics (mostly @Marvel), video games (love the FGC! Hadouken!), toys, tech, and tatas... Lol. Yeah I said it.. IT'S MY BLOG! HA! So stay tuned and take care.

P.S. And to all of you who I like and are dear to me, anything I do or say to you is to be taken lightly , as humor. Unless stated otherwise. Thank you for your time.