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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My First Blog...simple, ya?

Ahhh... OK. 2012 is upon us and this is my first dive into blogging... Late? A little, but for good reason... Many who know me , know I have the tendency to procrastinate a bit.. a LOT. Putting of everything because of my, (sigh) laziness.. But NO MORE! I refuse to waste more time, thinking about what COULD'VE happened, and the WHY I didn't do it. As sensitive and random and blah, and WTF?!?! as I am , this blog is perfect for me. A "locked vault" of things I think about daily, but am afraid to share on FB or Twitter, in fear of being judged or offending someone. It'll mostly be about the things I heart most. Comics (mostly @Marvel), video games (love the FGC! Hadouken!), toys, tech, and tatas... Lol. Yeah I said it.. IT'S MY BLOG! HA! So stay tuned and take care.

P.S. And to all of you who I like and are dear to me, anything I do or say to you is to be taken lightly , as humor. Unless stated otherwise. Thank you for your time.

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